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December 12, 2012 / Dale Melchin

The Importance of Non-Judgment in Handling Others

Our success or failure in life depends on a few things one of those is our relationships with others and the level of energy we maintain.  Here is what I mean.

Every ancient tradition tells us to maintain an attitude of non-judgment toward others.  The first is for the benefit of the person who would be judged.  If judge others openly and to their faces we alienate them, we also alienate them in a different way if we do it internally.  In fact Philo of Alexandria said: “Be kind because everyone you know is fighting a hard battle.”  In this same vein Deepak Chopra said: “When we make judgment about others we are really judging ourselves.”  So it is a double whammy, as it were.  The first reason to be non-judgmental is for others.

The other and perhaps from a stand point of “inside out” more important reason is because the affect judgment has on us.  It traps you in a pattern of thinking about other person.  You begin to associate them with the behavior that you are judging them for.

Judging others drains your energy.  It may not seem like, it but judging others wastes valuable life energy that could go toward strategizing and keeping the relationship healthy.

If you refrain from judging others, it helps you see their other, possibly good attributes, and you can then form a connection with that person rather than viewing them as a pest.

What would maintaining an attitude of non-judgment make possible for you?


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  1. turnthiswifearound / Dec 12 2012 6:41 am

    Good reminder for the day.

    • Dale Melchin / Dec 12 2012 1:09 pm

      You are welcome! I’m glad to know you benefited from it! 😀

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